The End of the Blog

It’s hard to watch kids grow up.

I say this as someone who has yet to have any children, but I can see it in my parents’ actions. They’re incredibly proud of the man I’ve become, and they’re happy that I’ve gotten jobs, married, and made a life for myself after moving out of their house in 2008. But there are plenty of found memories about that little boy they raised, the one they watched learn to speak, walk, ride a bike, shoot a basketball, solve linear equations, and more.

That’s how I feel about this blog.

I started this free WordPress site back in 2014 off the suggestion of a friend. I had no plan for it, no strategy. I just knew I loved two things—food and writing—so why not join those loves into one?

The results have been mind-blowing.

This simple, bare-bones blog has gotten me radio interviews, speaking opportunities, a sandwich named after me at a restaurant, and much, much more. But most importantly, it’s helped me start food conversations with people, both in person and on social media, and develop relationships that never would have been possible without it.

But it’s time to move on to bigger, better things.

I give to you, my new website. You’ll find all the reviews, rankings, food pics, and random blog posts you came to this site for. But they’re much more organized, packaged, and easier to find now. I think you’ll find the new format to be clean, clear, and much more aesthetically pleasing than anything you found on this page.

I won’t be updating this blog anymore, and this is the final post. All new content will be on If you liked this blog, I recommend bookmarking the site and referencing it whenever you’re trying to decide where to eat. I’ll still post frequently, as well as document my food experiences on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Much as I had to grow up and move out of my parents’ house, it was time for this blog to evolve into something more mature and useful. To everyone who’s read over the years, thank you! I hope you enjoy the new site!


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